Aug 28Liked by Robert Leonard, Spencer Dirks

The obvious reason for all of this as being a “problem” is racism. Historically looking at immigration in the US has always been that way, and quite honestly what you called out is also true; it robbed others of their opportunity and often their property. When it comes to Trump’s campaign, he too is grifting the entire public that supports him and isn’t much different than how immigrants are being grifted by those wanting to stop reasonable change to do things like keeping spouses of illegal immigrants and their children together. There seems to be a connection between all these things you brought up in the podcast! Including the exploitation of religious tyranny over abortion, schoolbooks and whatever else the rightwing can exploit. Your discussion of all the candidates that were running when Biden was “chosen” was orchestrated by Obama, knowing the Democrats were honestly being threatened by a third-party candidate running as a Democrat, Bernie Sanders! That was the reason so many were literally invited to run, to steal as many votes as possible away from Sanders and in the end consolidate those votes he didn’t get, and passed to Biden! If not, at least taken away from Sanders. Naturally this set up the situation over Biden being too old, and Biden proving that point in the debate, with a lot of help from the moderators who didn’t shut Trump off! Suddenly putting Harris, the first woman to run for President, in play! Yes, it sounds like a stretch, but there are those of us who believe there are other motivating forces at play all the time in politics and even assassination attempts that are overlooked! How we got so much more involved in the Middle-east, with the 911 “attack”, was also a prime example of the same sort of manipulation we all fall for, and let’s face it, the major news outlets and many of the lesser ones are now controlled by people whose only motivating force is money, otherwise this effort you are all involved in would not even exist, many of you who are of working age would be working for the companies you were cut from! It is obvious those who have had years of experience in the news, still have audiences, but your platforms were pull out from under you in many cases, for something cheaper, or to eventually consolidate down to three or four operations, not unlike the car companies or many of the other operations that provided the competition that capitalism needs to operate in the way it has over the previous 200 years. Once it reached its saturation point, it started to feed on itself. Brought to the fore because of all the natural exploitable resources, it was in short order we had to expand to keep it running full blast. We created wars on top of wars to do just that! Which also fueled the Military Industrial Complex, started way sooner than when Eisenhower warned us about it! That seems to continue and at the same time consolidation internally began with driving down wages, playing hell with Unions and Socialists, including kicking people who were citizens out of the country! This and a whole lot more has brought us to the brink, we now have a choice between fascism Trump, or whatever the other side dreams up that is controlled by the very same wealthy arm twisters! Defeating Trump is obvious, but that sigh of relief won’t last long! You can bet on that!

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You always have such great insights Steve. thanks for sharing.

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Aug 28Liked by Spencer Dirks

A wonderful and insightful podcast! I am subscribing.

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Thanks for listening Tom!

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