Aug 21Liked by Robert Leonard, Spencer Dirks

Caustic Kimmy the capitalist Queen, is filling the bill of exactly what you say, she simply does not respond to voters or people who have need. As for Agricuture, think of this, when farmers who have it all, and that is the minimum number of farmers for all the cultivatable land, who is going to pay for the roads? Who is going to school their kids? Who is going to police and provide fire protection? This is all provided by taxes on people, with no one on the land but the fewest number of farmers, they hit the glass ceiling and those few farmers will have to pay that price! Automatically that will transfer to those who purchase those products and everything will become expensive for all of us and still farmers won't make enough to stay in business! As to Biden, Obama, or most Presidents in the last thirty years, you can find poor decisions that were made that get forgotten over time. Obama bombed Libya back to the stone age, mostly because Gaddafi , often a fly in the ointment of Western control of the African world and others, was so uncontrolable. In a large part, Gaddafi was bringing Africa and Libya into the modern world, but did it with an iron fist, not much different than the Shah of Iran, who we backed! The results ended up being much the same in terms of the result. Not forgotten in either place, but here quickly erased from memory. Biden had his moments where his actions didn't meet his intentions and frankly profited others at the expense of taxpayers, same with Trump, but his errors, like the trade embargo with China, simply didn't even consider what that would mean to farmers and ended up paying the farmers off with our taxpayer money. enjoyed the podcast! Thoughtful incites with room for comment!

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Thanks for sharing your important thoughts.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Author

Those are great points. I definitely had some problems with Obama and there are quite a few Clinton “accomplishments” that don’t look great in retrospect. I think one of the main differences in today’s parties is democrats are more willing to admit past mistakes and republicans won’t apologize for anything. Always look forward to seeing your comments Steve. Thanks for listening!

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