Aug 8Liked by Robert Leonard, Spencer Dirks

I've had a similar feeling of discomfort that Bob's had at Walz's use of "weird" to describe the disturbing, dangerous, and disconcerting MAGA Republicans. Weird has so many positive and negative uses at this point. Many of those who don't consider themselves as part of the mainstream in at least some regard, some type of "social misfit" (nerds, geeks, goths, etc.) have worked to redefine weird as a positive. I'm older (though not quite up there with Bob) and I also remember that bullies or the in-crowd used to call other kids weird to harass and further isolate them. It has a feel of lazy name-calling. Thought about writing a substack piece on this, but not sure I'll get to it.

But I also get that it's working.

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Aug 8Liked by Spencer Dirks

I have a problem with this business of anti-Semitic, since it is based on a language group and not on a political division. Both Palestinians and Israelis speak a variation of a semitic language so telling people who favor any group that isn’t favorable to Israel but speaks a language that is semitic makes no sense!

Calling the Supreme Court “Independent” isn’t much different from the business of Anti-Semitic when it is obvious money buys what you want in many cases. Not much independence when you have a lawyer facing off a dozen or so corporate lawyers, all with specialties that can bury you!

The same goes with this business of Capitalism having a major role in American “Democracy”! These two things are diametrically opposed when you see how they ultimately work. When the country was so very new it was difficult to see the irony simply because there was so much to exploit. Yet it was an accepted form of relieving the Indians of their land! Once we got close to having all the Indian lands, We used the same method of taking Mexican land, but called it “Manifest Destiny”. As if it was our “Capitalist” Destiny to steal whatever we want by force for those who wanted it. Not very “Democratic” to say the least. In a manner of speaking that “Capitalist” ideal was utilized to create a permanent military force and created the very thing Eisenhower warned us about, although far to late to stop it, the “Military-Industrial Complex”. By late 19th Century already the “Capitalists” were using that force both internally to break up strikes and internationally to get what they wanted from foreign lands using the force of the military. By the 1930’s two-time Medal of Honor Winner General Smedley D. Butler spoke of in his famous “War is a Racket” speech and later book, after exposing industrialists lead by J.P. Morgan were set upon taking over the country and forming a fascist government. It was all quickly covered up and called a hoax despite Butler’s proof of the matter.

So, here we are, once again faced by the same forces of money grubbing “Capitalists” who now own most of the news media, have bought the Supreme Court, have put a lock on Trump to bring them what they want and even have revealed a plan to accomplish it! So this next election will be the very difference if we maintain some semblance of Democracy or are crowded out by Fascists!

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