Jun 19Liked by Robert Leonard, Spencer Dirks

It took over 200 years for capitalism to finally create what we see today! When the country first became a part of the United States, every decision was handled mainly by people with money, just as it is today. The only difference was there was enough land and opportunity no one cared that the capitalists were in control. We all still live in the world that said "We the people" were in charge, but the reality, which is becoming more clear than ever before, is it hasn't been the case at all! Someone else is selecting these candidates for Senator and Representative and even President, long before we vote, and the business of parties has been consolidated down to two that are beginning to sound like carbon copies of each other. Those with so much money can literally do whatever they want, and the rest of us are becoming slaves to them! Capitalism without true competition is fascism! That is where we are heading if we don't burn to a crisp, drown in flood waters, get blown away in tornadoes , poisoned by the nitrates in the water or murdered fighting corporate wars!

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Thanks Steve! One of my favorite podcasts is "In our time," by the BBC. I couldn't sleep last night and listened to their discussion of the Federalist papers. Lots in common with what you say here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001r7sv

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